Go Skydiving: A popular item on lists like these. I think of old people making bucket lists with this item on it, and I think, "I don't want to be knocked unconscious by my flabby ass cheeks whipping back." So, I'm making a decision to do this while my skin still has tensile strength and I don't have to worry about losing my teeth. I once had the opportunity a few years back, but didn't really have the extra spending $$ for it.
Take a Caribbean Cruise: This one is actually coming into fruition as we speak...sort of. My buddy Mike created a facebook group last fall for a cruise in 2011....umm. So, being that it is well over a year away, I'm waiting before I make a commitment. Still, I'm leaning heavily on it. Most people go on a cruise as a romantic getaway, or just a couple friends, but what if you had a boatload of besties (that's right, I said it...slightly ashamed) getting all sorts of hammered with you? That sounds epic! Will I fall off and never be heard from again? I give it a 1.3% chance.
Go to Alaska: Once again, many people think of old people, and those cruises along the Pacific Shore, watching Humpback Whales doing it.....whale style. Well, that's not what I'm after. Nor am I thinking of going all "Into the Wild" on people. Nope, I got this idea from watching Dave Attell on Comedy Central's "Insomniac". It was the summer solstice and there is a night long party celebrating 24 hours of daylight. How cool would that be? I mean, seriously? I want in on that party before my liver gives out on me. Nature is cool too, I'm a big fan, and would want to do that whole thing too I suppose. This almost became a reality, when a friend was trying to get a law enforcement job in AK, we had it all planned out that we would visit....jerk didn't get the job.
Buy a House: ewww, sounds all grown-uppy. But, yeah, I should at some point do this....maybe just a Condo, so I don't have to do yard work.
Write at Least One More Piece to "My Collegiate Story": I'll get to it, don't you worry kids, hell if you're lucky I'll finish up Freshman year by time I'm 35!
Stay at the Mandalay Bay, in Vegas, in Summer: Probably the most likely of things to happen thus far. I want to be on their "beach" on a 100 degree day...then go lose my money on the blackjack table while being propositioned by hookers....all while barely remembering anything. I love Vegas!
Learn How to Play Guitar: I've been saying this for years now, and I actually almost bought one a couple of weeks ago. My fear is I give up the hobby too quickly and just lose money. I think I'll be ok though, I love music, and I did enjoy(for the most part) playing the saxophone in band (geek alert), when we played cool stuff at least. So, I think I might actually have the will and want to do it. I think I'll do it!
Get Drafted in the MLB Draft: Listen they have like 1,209 rounds, with 30 teams picking...my name has to eventually come up.
Sit in the Wrigley Bleachers When Brewers are Playing...: I would like to finish this off with a "...and catch Brewer's HR ball, proceed to not throw it back" or "...Catch a Cubs HR ball, and Throw it Back", but I'm reasonably certain I'll never catch a ball in my lifetime. I've been to Wrigley, in some pretty damn good seats actually, and rooted loudly against the Cubs. So, now I just want to get drunk and mess with the "bums". I'm fucking likable, so we'll all get along.
Catch a Foul Ball or a Home Run Ball while at a Baseball Game: I've come close, but please see above statement of: "I'm reasonably certain I'll never catch a ball in my lifetime". I'm not going to quit though! Screw you Happy Youngster you fucking prick!
Ride in a Hot Air Balloon: When I was a kid, there was something going on around Spring Green...for something. Anyways, the opportunity was there, and I was too chicken shit to go up. I regret that now. I guess I'm not really in any sort of rush to do this, but, hell, if the opportunity comes again, I'll take it. Now, if I could get an entire nation to watch me travel recklessly through the skies, that would be neat too.
Go Skiing: That's right, I'm almost 27, I've lived in Wisconsin my whole life, and I have never gone skiing. Every winter, I say I will, every winter, I don't. I'd probably snowboard...but we'll just lump it all together as one.
Eat the Hottest Wings at Quaker Steak & Lube: If it is good enough for Man vs Food, it is good enough for me. I love hot food, and if I have to sign a waiver, it must be deliciously hot.
Go To a Big Time Auto Race: NASCAR or Indy, really doesn't matter, probably NASCAR because I could cheer for Kenseth at least. I don't really care about auto racing, but I feel like it would be fun to go to, especially if I were to be in the infield partying. I once agreed to pay $70 to camp for 3 nights and drink all I could drink in the infield before and during the Indy 500. Plans fell through, I was sad.
Take up Curling: I've wanted to do this since I watched the 2006 Winter Olympics...apparently hot chicks partake in curling, so, I feel I should curl as well. That and I think it would be fun. A bigger version of shuffleboard (bar style). Nothing too athletic needed, so, beer can be involved, always a plus. My buddy Peter and I have mentioned it a few times, and have gone as far as researching clubs in the greater Milwaukee area once.
Water Ski: I'll likely kill myself, but I love playing in Wisconsin lakes in summer, but haven't gone as far as water skiing yet.
Some Accomplished Goals (that I can quickly think of)
Hit a Hole-In-One: That's right biatches...167 yards, 6 iron, uphill.
See a No-Hitter: Had to be stupid head Carlos Zambrano...but still neat to be there to experience it with a "home" crowd. First and only time I will clap and tip my cap to a Cubs player. (At Miller Park vs Astros, 98% Cub fans in attendance).
Whitewater Rafting: Super fun! I want to go again.
Be at the top of a mountain: I didn't 'go tell it' to anyone...until now. Sure, we drove up Pike's Peak, but it was still cool. The lack of oxygen really does produce a type of "Rocky Mountain High"
Drank with the Blue Angels: Isn't this every kid's dream? I'm not sure they were drinking, but I was....and looking at their hot wives
Hear a Canadian say, "eh": Never gets old, it was a "uuge" moment in my life
Drive to St. Louis at Bar Time: This wasn't really a goal, but a stupid decision. Good story I suppose. I might someday write about it (in my collegiate story).
Yelled at People From the 'Real World' While Filming: Yeah, I totally did that in Vegas, bastards didn't put me on air though (I didn't watch, but I was talking for like an hour to the kid who has the 'consent' slips that need to be signed and I didn't need to sign one)